The Basics about my career

¿Why is important to know the basic of Chemistry and Pharmacy?

I would like to open debate or something like that about this theme, I think that chemistry and pharmacy are a very extensive topic, so we need to learn the basic about that, like basic chemistry, types of chemical bonds, chemical structures, natures, the periodic table is very important, so are the chemical properties. We must know all this and then relate the chemistry to the pharmacy, we can’t just start learning from the difficult, because we will be confused, we will collapse and we will not be able to understand what is being spoken of. If we do not know the properties of the compounds, we will not be able to understand why they react in one way or another.

Many times, we don’t like to learn the basics, we think it is not necessary or even useless, but we are wrong. I’m currently studying chemistry and pharmacy, and I often think this is what I’m writing, but I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s SUPER NECESSARY.

When I get my degree, I want to be able to look back and see the whole process I went through, everything I had to learn to start practicing my profession. In that moment I will realize the real importance of learning the basis of everything.


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